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From The Service Officers’ Desk

VA to Overhaul Disability Evaluations

This article forwarded by Senior Vice Commander Harold Staten. The Supreme Court is hearing a case that may affect how VA currently pays claims. 

Typically, a service member may file a claim up to 180 days prior to their discharge and, if awarded, payments will back date to their discharge date. Additionally, there is no \”statute of limitations\” in terms of filing a claim with the VA. If awarded, a claim will be backdated to the date of application.

There is an exception to the above in that if you file VA Form 21-0966, “Intent to File a Claim for Compensation and/or Pension, or Survivors Pension and/or DIC” online, via telephone or on paper, payments for any claim awarded will be back dated to the date of VA acceptance of the form. (Your DAV Service Officer can help you with this!)